Saturday, November 28, 2015


This week has not been kind to the Micro community.  Todays banner pic (compliments of Geotroid) is a tribute to my friends and will be up until Im ready to take it down.

After a long battle Chris Jones has passed away.  He was a vibrant and active member in the community.  Another close friend has had a family member pass and a very very dear friend of mine, Bill Jones has also passed away.

Being a friend is probably one of the worst things to be personally.  Because no one but you and your friend know exactly how close you are.  Immediate family usually has no clue and you get left out of the loop.

 Bill Jones was a diamond in the rough.  Billzebub as he comicly played with variations of his name for online ID's.  It was my privilege to have known him. 
The world is darker today.  Bill was a good friend of mine...Bill...You are GREATLY missed.  Take care Buddy! 

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