Saturday, March 11, 2017

Avengers Johansen Vs Olsen: Who's Hotter?

Due to the nature of this blog and the fact we're dealing with Marvel Characters, I feel this question is blog relevant.  ;-)

This might come as a surprise to some...But I would pick Elizabeth Olsen over Scarlet Johansen.

Scarlet seems to be losing her appeal.  Not to say she isn't good looking.  She's totally hot... but every movie she looks a little more weary.  And by that I mean comparing her from the previous film to the next in the Marvel series of movies.  Now with her short hair...she doesn't have that same level of sex appeal.  IMO.  Short hair is a look that's really hard for most women to pull off.  She still looks fantastic in spandex.  She's still a hot woman...but I would pick Elizabeth Olsen over her.  When she pulls that pose to keep the tower from blocking Captain America's way at the airport in Civil War...oh man.  She's just all out hot and she has awesome legs.  The bustier doesn't hurt either.

I could be in the minority...but this is a battle I could debate all day.

1 comment:

  1. As a confessed MILF chaser - Johansen gets better with age for me. I didn't even notice her until the Avengers movies. The other girl's still good enough for me though. haha
