Wednesday, May 27, 2020

SMUSH MOLD TYPES Preferences Tips & Ideas

Honestly... have no idea what they call various types of Smush molds..  But I am making new molds for the next figures. In doing so, I needed to make 3 different beds for the 4 different heads I am making.

I would say enclosed (smush) molds (no sprues or venting) have 3 types of molds you can prep for.

1)  Imbedded.  That's where you take your piece and imbed it into the clay or whatever medium you use to make your mold bed.

2) Resting.  This is the easiest.  This is where you seat your piece directly on the clay or other medium.  Very light impression in the clay to hold it in place.

3) Elevated.  This is where you have built up your piece so that it is elevated above the bed.

Imbedded.  Half the mold is imbedded into the clay bed.

Left: Elevated above bed.  Right: Resting on the bed.
Because we are using silicone, we don't have to subscribe to the half and half notion of molds.  We have flexibility.  So we can put our mold split line where ever we want.  We cant bend the mold to aid in the release of the cast.

The one thing I HIGHLY when orienting your master...choose the orientation that will hold the master the best once the first half of the silicone cures.  This way, the master will stay in the silicone.  You don't want that master to come removed or loose in the silicone before pouring the second half of the mold.

Personally, I do not like imbedding parts into the clay for that reason.  It takes longer, but I prefer to build up and around the part being molded.  It makes it easier to remove the clay bed after. And DO NOT FORGET to check the master.  You want to brush it lightly to make sure no clay is sticking to it.  That will form to the mold.  Another reason why you want the master to be secure in the first half of the mold.

But for some items, imbedding is the perfect answer if you can remove the clay bed without disturbing the master.

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